24 August 2011

fourth grade.

Fourth Grade has officially started.
How is it that we have a fourth grader?
I still feel like we are just out of college.
Mac was none too excited about going back to school. . .can you tell.
Probably he was less excited about me taking pictures if the truth be told!
(He really loves school but would not admit that to anyone.)

This year Mac will be changing classes.
Three times!
He was a little nervous. . .but we all know that Mr. Mac will do fine.
He is so smart and so good in school.
When I ask him who he has played with or sat next to at lunch it is someone different everyday.
That is the best part about a private school I think.
His whole fourth grade class is such good friends. (or is it. . .are such good friends???)

Thought I would make a fourth grade sign for him to hold. . .looked cute online.
He was not into it!
Maybe I can get Kate a little more excited about it next week when she starts 5K.

Now if you were wondering what the other two are up to. . .just take a look.

They were outside running around like crazies while I was taking these pictures.

Just a disclaimer. . .I promise, Ben does wear clothes sometimes!
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09 August 2011


Not too much going on around here these days.
School starts soon for the big kids so we are trying our hardest to enjoy our last few free days.

This past Saturday Trip was mowing the grass.
Ben wanted to be out there with him. . .real bad!
He actually stood at the side door for a long time watching his daddy.
Thought I would share these sweet pictures.

Be back soon with back to school pictures!
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01 August 2011

the new southern living.

Let me start off by saying I had plans.
I had big plans.
I wanted to share a new recipe that I had made from my new Southern Living magazine.
However, my plans took a little bit of a turn.

You see I wanted to take a picture of the front of the magazine to show with my recipe.
And like any good (well, not so good) photographer I took lots of pictures of the cover
so I could pick the best one.

However, when I was going through my many magazine cover shots I noticed something.
That little (sweet) something changed my plans.
And I had to share.

Here you see my plan changer playing nicely with his truck.

Here he is again.
Notice his apparel, summer 2011 fashion chic.
Is that my kitchen towel he is messing with?
Oh bless him. 
Do you see what wonderful help he is?

If you know anything about Trip, you know that he is my kitchen towel thief.
He never leaves the towel where it is supposed to be.
Drives me crazy!
Seems he is teaching Ben a thing or two.

So much for recipe sharing.
Sweet towel thief stole the show.
Maybe next month!

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