02 February 2011

Little Helper

One thing that I am never lacking is a "helper".  
Veggie stir fry was on the menu tonight.  I cut up most all the veggies, but Kate covered the mushroom cutting.  Precise cutting.
Here is the final product before the cooking, please notice the precious mushrooms in the stir fry.  Don't your know that I truly enjoyed every bite of this veggie stir fry, especially the bites with mushrooms.

We served our stir fry over brown rice.  I hope that you all are eating brown rice instead of white rice.  Did you know that brown rice is so much better for you than white rice?  White rice starts out as brown rice then the outer husk is removed which in turn removes most all of the nutrients that rice provides.  Granted I know brown rice takes a little longer to cook than white, but the health benefits far out way the time spent.  Every nutrient you can get into your little ones is worth their (and your) health in the long run.