Trip and I love to read. I know, I know. How in the world do we have time to read with all the craziness of life right now? Well, the truth is we don't. Every once in a while we steal a moment to ourselves and read, but lets be honest, we don't even have time to read the newspaper let alone have some devotion time to ourselves. . .but the time is coming when we will be buried in books again, I can feel it.
Does that excited anyone like it excites me?? I am just beside myself with excitement.
I taught Kindergarten for a few years and got to witness lots of kids starting to read and it is my absolute favorite thing. (Maybe that is why I choose Kindergarten.) It opens up a whole new world for them.
Kate's very first word that she read was "God"! Don't you know that God looked down and smiled when that happened.
Kate is beginning to sit and "read" for longer periods of time. Is she actually "reading" them, no. But she is learning how to be a reader by looking at the pictures and the words and figuring out what the story is about. Trip and Mac and I also spend a good amount of time reading to her. I know it won't be long and she will be reading to Ben just like Mac reads to her!
One way I like to help my kids with the reading process is by having things to read everywhere. If you have ever been to my house you know that we have shelves and shelves full of books. We also have drawers and cabinets full of paper, pens, pencils, crayons, and stickers to "promote" writing as well.
Books can be expensive I know, but two of my favorite places to get cheap, nice books are the library book sale and Scholastic Books.
How do you help your kids with learning to read and write?
Any new ideas out there?
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