25 April 2011

Happy Easter

Today was a great day! 
We were busy all day.
And are exhausted tonight.
But I wanted to share some of our Easter pictures with everyone!

Please notice the two front teeth missing from Mac's tooth lineup!
Last night he decided that he would pull his very very wiggly tooth so the tooth fairy and the
Easter bunny could come! 
And what do you know they both came. 
When Mac woke up this morning, there was a two dollar bill and a jelly bean under his pillow!
He and Kate both were thrilled.  Kate talked all day about the bunny and fairy's meeting last night!

We also talked about much more important things today.
In fact, the real reason of celebration today.
Our Saviour rising from the dead!
The big kids sang in the worship service at church. . ."where you there when He rose up. . ." 
(Don't you love that one??)

And Ben says that's enough pictures.
I think I am in need of some back up. . .any takers?

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23 April 2011


Its official! Baseball has started. 
Did I mention that Mac and Kate are playing this year?
Oh, yes.  You heard me right. 
We spend all night on Monday and Thursday at the ball field. 
It makes the nights long, but they are so much fun.
We have some great "ball" friends that we only see during baseball season so we love it when the season is in and we get to visit.
Several of the younger siblings of Mac's baseball friends are starting T-ball this year with Kate and it is so much fun because Kate and the other kids have been coming to the ball field to watch there sisters and brothers since they were all just babies. 
And now they are playing themselves!
Trip and I were talking the other night and remembering when Kate and the other kids were crawling around in the dirt like Ben and now they are the ones playing ball!  Time flies.
Please take notice of Kate's pink and purple glove.  A very important accessory
Also notice the pink stripes on the cleats. . .another very important accessory!
And the final accessory is the orange bows.  What girl T-ball player would be complete without her bows?
There are only two other girls on Kate's T-ball team.
Lillie and Kristen.  The girls stick pretty close to each other.
However, Kate does know most all the boys and is pretty quick to convince them to get a ball that goes too far in the outfield for her liking!
Mr. Mac is playing coaches pitch this year!  Pretty exciting.
The most exciting news though is that he is playing catcher!
He really wanted to play this position and he got it!  Go Mac.
He is doing great in this position.  He has also really worked on his swing and is hitting some of those balls far into outfield.
And, yes.  That is Trip.  A.k.a  Coach Trip.
Ben and I are at all the games too of coarse. 
Cheering everyone on. 
This picture was taken way, way early in the game. 
In fact I am not too sure the game had even started! 
He does not spend too much time here in the stroller. 
Much more of his time is spent on the ground or trying to get on the ground. 
This boy loves the dirt. 
Before I blink he will be the one starting T-ball.  {No blinking-anyone!}


15 April 2011


*Let's try this post again, shall we!

It has been a long time since I have posted! 
We have been so busy. 
I have no good excuse for our business. . . just life. . .sick, spring break, baseball, you know, normal busy family things.
I am happy to report that in the midst of our crazy, busy life we did manage to plant our garden this year.

We like to plant our garden in a raised bed.
Just makes gardening a little easier and anything that makes life easier is what we want to do.
This is the plan we followed to make the raised bed

Kate and Trip got the soil ready. . .real manual labor!
I believe they were mixing the soil.
(Do you see that sweet smile on Kate's face?  She was having a blast!)

Ben was. . .ummm. . .helping too. 
Can you tell by his face how he was helping?

Yes, that is right, he was enjoying a lunch of dirt with a side of more dirt.
We quickly discovered that little Ben L-O-V-E-S the dirt! 
He was busy digging in it and well, eating it.
I was taking pictures of him playing in the dirt and the next thing I know he is stuffing a handful of dirt in his mouth. 

Organic gardening at its best!
Thankfully no babies were harmed in the making of this post. 
In fact said baby will probably be a little healthier because of all that nice clean organic dirt.
Well, maybe the veggies that come from the good dirt will be better for him, oh, well.
I will try to keep you up to date on the garden and all the yummy veggies!

*Oh, let me also say that Mac was at a friend's house when we were busy in the backyard putting together the garden.  Seems almost 9-year-olds would rather play with friends than help with gardening. 
Just wanted you to know that we had not sold him or lost him or left him somewhere! : ) 

12 April 2011

Rainbow Cake

Well.  Just when I think I have computers figured out, I realize that I really don't.  For some reason or another Blogger will not download my pictures straight from Picasa and it also seem I am not the only one with this trouble.  However, I did discover that I can manually post pictures, which takes a very very long time. . .something I do not have much of. . ."time" that is.  Not sure where it all goes.  : )

So, while we all wait for Google to fix our little problem I want to show you this amazing cake that I made for Kate's birthday.  I will share pictures of her birthday. . .when all is well in Blogger Land.

Here is the cake on the outside.  Pretty simple looking.  Now please remember I am my no means a professional cake maker.  I have two friends who I leave that to. . .everyone should have friends who make beautiful cakes.  My two friends are amazing there are just not words to describe the cakes they make!

Miss Priss requested a Rainbow Cake.  And like any good mother I typed in rainbow cake on Google.  This is what came up. . .(or something similar, maybe not so lopsided and more even, but really, does it matter look at this thing!)
Needless to say the birthday girl was thrilled and her momma was pretty thrilled with the way it turned out!
Hopefully I will be back soon with a fixed Blog!