12 April 2011

Rainbow Cake

Well.  Just when I think I have computers figured out, I realize that I really don't.  For some reason or another Blogger will not download my pictures straight from Picasa and it also seem I am not the only one with this trouble.  However, I did discover that I can manually post pictures, which takes a very very long time. . .something I do not have much of. . ."time" that is.  Not sure where it all goes.  : )

So, while we all wait for Google to fix our little problem I want to show you this amazing cake that I made for Kate's birthday.  I will share pictures of her birthday. . .when all is well in Blogger Land.

Here is the cake on the outside.  Pretty simple looking.  Now please remember I am my no means a professional cake maker.  I have two friends who I leave that to. . .everyone should have friends who make beautiful cakes.  My two friends are amazing there are just not words to describe the cakes they make!

Miss Priss requested a Rainbow Cake.  And like any good mother I typed in rainbow cake on Google.  This is what came up. . .(or something similar, maybe not so lopsided and more even, but really, does it matter look at this thing!)
Needless to say the birthday girl was thrilled and her momma was pretty thrilled with the way it turned out!
Hopefully I will be back soon with a fixed Blog!


  1. SOOO cool! Love the cake! G's birthday is in two weeks - I really need to get on Google and find that girl a "pink" cake :) Oh, and I too cannot upload pictures from Picasa...I have to upload from Blogger...which I don't like because I'm pretty sure that it defaults to low-res.

  2. That is truly a rainbow cake with all of the correct colors in the proper order! Way to go Leigh! We just studied the primary colors of light in Physical Science last month; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet! U GO GIRL!


    ps- Happy Birthday Katie pooh!
