I think that since the last post was titled Music that it would only be fit for this post to be titled Dance.
This is Kate's second year of ballet and tap. . .to say she loves it would be an understatement.
This girl adores dance.
In fact the other day when she was waaaay out in the outfield at her t-ball game I caught her doing her recital dance (with her glove on-quite a sight to see)!
Her recital dance this year was to the song, "In the Jungle. . .the mighty jungle. . ."
This is Kate's second year of ballet and tap. . .to say she loves it would be an understatement.
This girl adores dance.
In fact the other day when she was waaaay out in the outfield at her t-ball game I caught her doing her recital dance (with her glove on-quite a sight to see)!
Her recital dance this year was to the song, "In the Jungle. . .the mighty jungle. . ."
Last year it was a cute ballet dance. . .think year it was a sassy tap dance!
Can you tell that the girl's teacher was standing to their right?
They all did so good.
We were especially proud of Kate.
She is so confident up on stage and is lots of fun to watch!
*I have a small disclaimer about the rest of these pictures.
My little small boy helper named Ben was not interested in anyone but his mama holding him this day.
So dispite all the offers for help with him I was stuck with a baby on my hip and picture taking.
Which led to the fuzzy pictures below.
One day, I know, I will miss this little fuzzy picture maker!
Trophy time.
The trophies get bigger every year.
Kate has spent much time with her two trophies talking about how this year she got a bigger one.
Sweet fuzzy dancer!
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