28 June 2011

summer list

I almost forgot to share our Summer List!

A few years ago I found this neat idea at a blog called, Whatever.

Meg, from said blog, suggests coming up with a list of things your family would like to do over the summer and then to write the ideas down in a place where everyone can see them all summer.

If you know me, you know I love lists, so this was right up my ally.
And as you can imagine, it wasn't very hard for us to think of all the things we wanted to do this summer.

After we narrowed our ideas down, I wrote them on the chalkboard we have in the kitchen so we could check it every morning.

Here is our Summer List for 2011. . .

As you can see there is still lots to do this summer.
It kind of gives a little bit of direction to the summer. . .just a little.

Sweet Mac was the one that suggested, "have fun". 
I think we can do plenty of that.

(We have also added a few more things. . .I love summer!)

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  1. Oh my, what a cute way to display a list! I loooove making lists as well. I find myself making lists of random things during the day. Zoo, beach and library are definitely on mine this summer! Oh, and seeing "Captain America"!

  2. I am amazed at you blogging Moms. What did we ever do "Back in the day"? How did you all turn out so smart as parents to have the greatest grandchildren in the entire universe? Guess the answer is still the same, God has and always will be with us each and every day. I love to look at "a chocolate house" and see everything that is new. Sure hope this finds you having another fun summer day tomorrow and know that I love you all!

