16 September 2011


Well, its official.
Kate is in Kindergarten!
She is so excited.
School could not start fast enough for her.
In fact she is not happy when the weekend rolls around.
She told me she was going to do lots of learning the year.
(Could she please keep that attitude forever??)
Thought we would get some first day of school pictures with Ben.
(Mac was already at school!)
I had a time getting Mac to hold his back to school sign, remember?
Kate, however, was all over that sign!

Ben makes my pictures taking more interesting don't you think?! 
They were both so excited.

I made a point this year to get the picture below.
Four years ago I took a picture in this exact spot of baby Kate and Kindergarten Mac!
Life goes by too fast. . .hard for this mama to believe baby Kate is in Kindergarten now.

Here is her new seat at school.
All her new school supplies ready for her.
Don't you just love back to school and all the new school supplies.
(Always my favorite part of school.)
Alright Sweet Girl. . .this is your last year at St. Andrews.
Next year you will be at big school with Mac.
Enjoy every minute and don't grow up too much this year!
We love you.

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1 comment:

  1. when i saw the title 5k i hopped over because i thought you were training for a marathon. then i remembered you run one everyday.
    love kate's pictures.... precious!!!!
    i still remember her at potty training boot camp. how is this child 5?
