Our summer garden this year was a huge success, so we decided to try a winter garden.
So far it is doing real well. . .hopefully it will continue.
Last night Trip and I went out to "tend" to the garden. . .two little helpers came along.
So far it is doing real well. . .hopefully it will continue.
Last night Trip and I went out to "tend" to the garden. . .two little helpers came along.
Ben did lots of checking for. . .dirt, also a very important part of organic gardening.
Please notice the boots and no clothes!
I promise he does wear clothes, sometimes.
We have a few tomato plants with big green tomatoes already. . .we might get a few to ripen.
We also have lots of beans and broccoli and cauliflower. . .those are all behind Ben.
Ben and our dog Bailey pulling weeds.
We have already picked and eaten a pot full of yummy beans.
Kate is a great bean picker.
Life with three kids is fast and furious.
I am so glad that we can slow down and enjoy some gardening with them.
And as you can see, Ben takes all of this gardening very seriously!
Silly boy!
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