28 June 2011

summer list

I almost forgot to share our Summer List!

A few years ago I found this neat idea at a blog called, Whatever.

Meg, from said blog, suggests coming up with a list of things your family would like to do over the summer and then to write the ideas down in a place where everyone can see them all summer.

If you know me, you know I love lists, so this was right up my ally.
And as you can imagine, it wasn't very hard for us to think of all the things we wanted to do this summer.

After we narrowed our ideas down, I wrote them on the chalkboard we have in the kitchen so we could check it every morning.

Here is our Summer List for 2011. . .

As you can see there is still lots to do this summer.
It kind of gives a little bit of direction to the summer. . .just a little.

Sweet Mac was the one that suggested, "have fun". 
I think we can do plenty of that.

(We have also added a few more things. . .I love summer!)

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24 June 2011


Now is the time when I don't sit down
I don't empty the dishwasher until night time
and I don't have a clean house, but all are happy.

Now is the time that I always say "no"
I never truly rest
and I am constantly busy, but all are happy.

Now is the time I have been waiting for
and at the same time I want to go away, but I am happy.

Now is then time when our Ben has started to really walk!
(For real this time.)

Now is the time that our family of five will turn into a true
Party of Five.  (Do you remember that TV show?)
Walking will bring a whole new world to Ben
and to our family!  We are happy!

Thought you might time to see how Ben has gone from not walking anymore
to walking all the time. 
I had a little chat with him the other day and told him it was time to start walking again
and two days later this is what he is doing! 
Do you think he knew what I was saying??

(please disreguard the constant drool and the lack of clothes. . .like I said, now is the time we are all happy.)

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16 June 2011


So here is what I am wondering. . .
How is it that summer is already here?
How is it already half way over?
How is it that we have already taken our summer beach vacation and it is already over?

How is it already time for VBS and summer camps?

How is it that the pool is already a familiar routine?

How is it that Mr. Ben is not "walking" anymore.  Silly boy.

How is it that Mac is almost 9. . .is that possible?

Summer could you please slow down so we can enjoy having our kids this way just a little longer.

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01 June 2011

plug cover

This is a plug cover.

It is one of the many baby proofing items we have throughout our house.

Need I say more?

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