27 January 2012


It rained the other day.
It rained a lot.

We got tired of being inside, so we went out.

In the rain.
Kate was prepared.

As always.

The kids ventured over to our garden.
I stayed dry on the porch.

Can you tell what we are growing?
Ben picked some and ate some. . .
and shared some, with Bailey, our dog!

I have never seen an almost two-year-old eat broccoli like this kid does.
Pretty cool!
Kate likes it too.

Hope your day is happy!

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09 January 2012

play dough

Its the little things that thrill me now that I am a mother of three.
Ben has discovered play dough!
(Cue the Hallelujah Chorus)

Kate has always loved playing with play dough, and so did Mac when he was younger. . .
but, all my attempts at introducing play dough to Ben have ended up in his tummy!

Christmas must have matured him or maybe he could tell his mama needed a rest.
But he will (or at least for the moment) sit and play for a good 15 minutes.
(By the way, I told him to 'smile' got to love that!)

Think of all I can do in 15 minutes without a 21 month old under foot. . .
Cook supper
Clean the kitchen
Fold laundry
Clean a bathroom
. . .or maybe just sit down and enjoy playing play dough with Ben before he turns 21 years old.

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