10 December 2011

christmas pictures

Well here I am again.
Christmas time, picture time.

I promise every year that I am not going to wait until the last minute to get a picture of the kids for our card.

And every year I still wait until the last minute.

I thought taking pictures of three kids was hard last year. . .

Silly me

Apparently, one and a half year olds and Christmas pictures do not go hand in hand.
At least his brother and sister are a little more cooperative. . .just a little!

I have lots and lots of pictures to go though and just a little bit of time.

I am hoping for a "Silent Night" tonight to wade through and find the perfect picture for our card!
Hope your night is a good one too!

(I have to make one small disclaimer.  I do realize that all three kids are wearing a different color shirt.  No worry, my plans are to do a black and white picture!  I know many of my dear friends probably think I have lost my mind with the odd color shirts!)

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