29 September 2011


Talking is one thing that Ben dose not have time for.
Running, jumping, and climbing. . . he has plenty of time for these.
He is my active baby. . .has been from the start.

Well Mr. Active Baby decided yesterday that he was going to talk.
Not sure if this will be a one time thing, but it is so fun to hear his little voice!
I was in the kitchen getting him a snack and I told him to go get a bowl.
Then he repeated me plane as day, "bowl".
We went crazy. . .which he loved!
Mind you, he has said nothing up to this point except for "daddy".
So you understand our excitement.
I managed to get a quick video this morning to share, hope you like it.


22 September 2011


At the church Kindergarten that Kate goes to they offer a Mother's Morning Out class.
Mac went, Kate went, and I knew Ben would go sometime this year. . .
but I didn't think we would send him until after Christmas.

Well, can you guess what happened today?
Ben started MMO.
The sweet, sweet lady in charge of the Kindergarten offered for Ben to come and "try it out".

Mr. Big Boy Ben l-o-v-e-d it!
They have snacks of fruit loops and kool-aid.
They played outside and got dirty.
And they spoiled the "babies" rotten!
Needless to say, Ben was in heaven.

I am just smitten with these pictures of him with his backpack, too cute.

Now I know what you are thinking.
What on earth did I do for three hours with absolutely no children?
I managed to find a few things to do, don't worry.
I'll be showing you real soon what I am up to here at home.

As for now. . .I am not going to blink because I know in just a minute Ben will be going to Kindergarten!

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16 September 2011


Well, its official.
Kate is in Kindergarten!
She is so excited.
School could not start fast enough for her.
In fact she is not happy when the weekend rolls around.
She told me she was going to do lots of learning the year.
(Could she please keep that attitude forever??)
Thought we would get some first day of school pictures with Ben.
(Mac was already at school!)
I had a time getting Mac to hold his back to school sign, remember?
Kate, however, was all over that sign!

Ben makes my pictures taking more interesting don't you think?! 
They were both so excited.

I made a point this year to get the picture below.
Four years ago I took a picture in this exact spot of baby Kate and Kindergarten Mac!
Life goes by too fast. . .hard for this mama to believe baby Kate is in Kindergarten now.

Here is her new seat at school.
All her new school supplies ready for her.
Don't you just love back to school and all the new school supplies.
(Always my favorite part of school.)
Alright Sweet Girl. . .this is your last year at St. Andrews.
Next year you will be at big school with Mac.
Enjoy every minute and don't grow up too much this year!
We love you.

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03 September 2011


What does it mean when you ask for a new mailbox for your birthday?
Hopefully it just means you are becoming wiser!
When we moved into the chocolate house the mailbox was less than pretty.
Lets just say it was down right u-g-l-y.
Just imagine plastic black faded by who knows how many years in the sun.
It was quite a sight to behold. . .not the reason we bought the house!

Now our mailbox is the best looking one on the street.
My sweet children and my sweet husband got me just what I wanted for my birthday.
Trip added the little extra pieces to the post to make it look so nice.
And I ordered the vinyl lettering from Etsy.
I am absolutely thrilled with how it turned out!
Little Bit loves running out to the street to check the mail with me.
(Please notice I said run, we have gone from not walking to running in one month!)
How quickly they learn that the mailbox holds good things. . .most of the time!