16 February 2011


It has been a while since I have posted. . .we have been. . .sick!  Yuck.  There is nothing worse than having all your kids sick.  And I have quickly discovered that holding three kids on your lap is a little bit harder than two, but it can be done.  {smile}

Since the kids have been sick we have spent lots of time at home which has given me time to work on a few things around the house.

Now, this door below was white just like all our other doors, but it just wasn't working for me.  At Christmas time I went on the Tour of Homes here in our town and one of the houses had all black doors.  They were beautiful.  I thought I might try one of our doors to see how it would look.  Here is how the conversation went with Trip.

Me:  Don't you think that door would look great if I painted it black?  I have seen a house with black doors and it is beautiful and very Charleston.

Trip:  No.

Me:  Well, maybe I could just paint the front black and if we don't like it I will paint it right back.

Trip:  No.

Me:  Now lets not make a decision now.  Lets think about it.

Trip:  {Silence}

I am pretty sure while we were having this conversation Trip was checking his email and not really paying attention to how wonderful the door would look black.  So. . .with much nervousness. . .I painted it!  The whole time I was painting I was trying to remember if we had any white paint to paint it back if Trip totally flipped out.  He came home that night late, after the kids were in bed and did not flip out. . .in fact it took him a while to notice. 

Trip:  You painted the door black.

Me: Yes.  (end of conversation)

That was it!  Oh, boy. 
Obviously, he thought it looked great and was glad I made the decision to paint it. . .couldn't you tell!  I know that probably painting the door black even though he said no was not a good choice, but I believe that there are some choices that are OK to override our sweet husbands on and there are some that are not OK.  He is the head of our household and we make major decisions together, but this by no means was a major decision.  Money spent, child rearing, and the such are major decisions that are only made together, but door painting. . .no.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.  Do you like the cute wreath on there too?  Oh, and the cute sick girl too.  Did you know that when you are sick wearing a tutu makes you feel better faster. . .might want to try it next time you are sick.
Here is a picture of the black door with the door knob back on.  Didn't take too long to do and I think it turned out pretty good.  Maybe I will try to do another one. . .

I was also able to get those curtains up while all were home sick.  I will post those pictures real soon.
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1 comment:

  1. I love the door! I need to come over and see it with the rest of the kitchen. I bet it is beautiful!
