11 February 2011

Little Helpers

Last week I had a post titled "Little Helper" also. . .I liked that post because it let you all see what life is really like here in the Chocolate House.  I love my little helpers, but sometimes things would go a lot faster, smoother, and cleaner without them.  But really, what fun would that be? 
I wanted to show you all these great new "fake" curtains that I "made" for our den.  I had the white fabric all laid out with all the curtain making equipment ready. . .and then my helpers came.
I got the idea for these curtains from a blog I follow called The Nester

Now, I like a nice pair of lined panels flanking my shuttered windows as much as the next girl, but sometimes that is just not in the budget.  And The Nester tells us, on a budget girls, how to make some fabulous "mistreatments". 

But again. . .here my "mistreatments" sit.

And here my helper sits.. . on my curtains.  I thought that I might try to work with his help since these are by no means professional curtains.  No sewing, no measuring, just cutting and clipping.
However, my first helper called in his sister helper and then I knew all was lost.  Maybe I should ask The Nester if she has "mistreatment" instructions for mamas with helpers.

I know what you are thinking. . .she won't have those helpers one day and she will be sad.  You are right, I will, but good heavens, my dear windows in the den. . .they need some curtains desperately.
(As you can tell my picture taking was being assisted at this point.  I don't normally make it a habit of putting pictures of myself on the blog. . .just the children!) 

There they sit.  Rods up (thanks to the previous owners) naked windows!  I promise when these curtains get up. . .and they will, I will post a picture of them in all their marvel.  I may even get a picture of my helpers!
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