14 March 2011


Let me begin with a confession.


Hard to believe, I know.
Seems just up my ally, but no. . .it is the one chore I cannot stand.
Trip is usually the one that initiates the starting of it, yuck.
Here is usually how the conversation goes.

Trip: (standing in his last pair of clean boxers) Leigh I need to do some laundry!

Me: OK.

Trip: Could you help me?

Me: Ummm. Sure. . . {pause}. . .right now?

Trip: Yes!

Me: Well sure. Just let me ummm. . .{pause}. . . clean the baseboards. Yea. They are really dirty.

Really. I would rather do just about anything but laundry.
Needless to say I mostly do the laundry, in fact I am the only one who every puts any of it away.
And the kids and Trip always have clean stuff to wear. . .I just don't like doing laundry.
And that sweet patient man of mine never complains. . .he just reminds and begs heavily.

I have tried real hard not to let Kate and Mac learn any of my bad laundry behavior.
In fact Kate had a great time the other day actually doing her Elizabeth's (baby doll) laundry.

I quickly was able to gather up a few laundry supplies for her.

1 laundry basket (for dirty and clean clothes)
10 clothes pins
1 spray bottle with water in it (a.k.a stain spray)
1 make believe clothes line
1 small bucket (with water for hand washing)

She even had a little helper. . .man there are just helpers all over the place 'round here!

(WAIT!  Do you see my crazy Poinsettias back there?  Those are leftover from Christmas!  I cannot get them do die!  Seems silly to throw them out if they are still alive. . .I will let you know how long they last.)

Nothing better than clean laundry and a busy girl!
Now, maybe I can teacher her how to really do laundry. . .that would be wonderful!

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